It's not a good feeling to go back to your blog, see how long it's been since your last post, and cringe. I'm sure the poor folks at the FHL are convinced I've fallen off the face of the planet, so in the very near future, I need to go back, if nothing else to assure them I'm still alive. Oops...
So a lot has happened since my last post, and topping the list is getting married. Yes, that's right, according to the government and the Catholic Church, I'm a Ferrell now, and I'm rather all right with that. Okay, more than all right, just don't tell my husband. On the less happy side of the news is Oma's health taking another downward turn, and we think the dementia might be getting worse. She had to have her leg amputated well above the knee, but she's still feisty and raring to go, which is probably due in no small part to being 100% German. What can I say? We're tough cookies. It makes me really glad I started asking the questions when I did, however, and now that I'm back in touch with another source on that side of the family, I think my research is going to get interesting yet again...what? You want me to explain? Then read on to the next entry!
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